Decentraland Roadmap 2022: These Are the Most Important Updates

6 min readMar 14, 2022


Written by Robin Prock

Did you know that Decentraland is eleven times bigger than Monaco — the city of princes, pompous yachts, and glamorous casinos?

It’s true! And in Decentraland you can also discover casinos (e.g. from Atari), yachts (well, a riverboat from Bored Apes) … only I haven’t seen any princes yet.

Decentraland is currently the most active and “psychedelic” metaverse on the blockchain. Nevertheless, bugs and problems still plague it.

What are these issues? How will Decentraland solve them with their most important updates in the Decentraland roadmap 2022? And lastly, how will MGH make it much, much easier for programmers to create exciting games in Decentraland?

Find out now in this article!

But first a…

Quick Recap: What is Decentraland?

Picture from the Decentraland Roadmap 2022
Caption: Screenshot from the Decentraland Blog.

Decentraland is an open 3D virtual world that you enter through your browser. Think of it like Second Life: you can play, build and trade.

Only there is a huge difference:

Decentraland stores all transactions on the blockchain. That’s how your NFTs — land, your avatar, your name — are permanently linked to your wallet. No one can take them away from you; you have guaranteed ownership in this virtual world.

Decentraland also has its own currency: MANA. With it, you can pay in Decentraland (maybe for a game) or buy land to erect your “universe” on.

Lastly, Decentraland — as the name suggests — is organized in a decentralized way as a DAO. The community submits votes and decides on them. Nothing happens unless most of the community has given its “yes”.

What sounds on paper like a science fiction fan’s dream come true, however, has so far been a dream in which you sometimes get stuck, where you spend a long time in the “loading space” between waking and sleeping, and where you occasionally stumble into a nightmare:

2. What are the problems Decentraland still has to tackle?

When you enter Decentraland for the first time, you’re nearly “awestruck”: so much creativity! Behold, a robot spider! Wow, a massive amusement park!

But look more closely and you’ll inevitably notice a few problems that still haunt Decentraland:

  • Long loading times: Sometimes you wait minutes when teleporting from place to place. Imagine you’re Captain Kirk from Star Trek, and you’re stuck in mid-air for several minutes when Scotty beams you up.
  • Multiple Bugs: Especially when you’re “around people”, you’ll see some avatars floating in the air or getting stuck.
  • Buildings don’t appear until you stand in front of them — and even then, they take a while to load brick by brick.
  • Ghosttown: Remember the movie “I am Legend,” where Will Smith walks alone through the deserted New York City? Yep, that’s how you often experience Decentraland — a huge world, no one around, and the gut sense that a horde of zombies is about to run after you (at least that’s how I feel).
  • Bumpy moderation: Due to the DAO structure, it is sometimes difficult to stop bad behavior — each time you need a proposal and enough people to vote for it. For example, one proposal wanted to stop the name “Hitler”, and many agreed … but the proposal didn’t reach enough votes to pass.

Don’t get me wrong: These problems can all be solved. It just takes time, because Decentraland is decentralized: No almighty company can intervene like “the hand of God.”

Nevertheless, Decentraland knows about these problems and wants to solve them in the Decentraland roadmap 2022:

3. Decentraland roadmap 2022 — These are the most important changes

How does Decentraland plan to solve these problems? That’s what the team revealed in their 2022 Manifesto. Here are the most important updates:

  • A desktop client for Mac, Linux, and Windows is supposed to wipe out the bugs and transform the game into a smooth experience. Included is a “launcher”, which automatically updates the buildings. So, you no longer stand in front of a roller coaster that has to load first (at least, that’s how I interpreted the “launcher”).
  • A mobile app is coming so you can enter Decentraland on the subway, on a park bench, in a coffee shop with a tap of your finger.
  • In the second half of the year, a VR client should let you dive even deeper into Decentraland…

these updates eliminate the bugs, graphic errors, and hopefully the long loading times. The game should be as smooth as a boat ride across the Amazon. But how can Decentraland attract more people to its world?

  • In the Decentraland Roadmap 2022, “smart wearables” are intended — jetpacks, laser swords, a boombox to drive your neighbors crazy… so you should be able to play “on the street” too, not just in certain experiences.
  • You can put the head of your Bored Apes, Cool Cats, or other NFTs as wearables on your avatar. Imagine NFT Twitter profile pictures … only in motion and with emotions.
  • To capture even more players, Decentraland has several festivals planned — such as a two-year birthday surprise in February and a four-day fashion week in March.
  • Finally, Decentraland wants to soften the barrier between proposal and implementation. The decisions of the community — like the ten commandments — should be quickly perpetuated in code…

… These are the most important updates for the Decentraland roadmap 2022. But MGH is not idle either: We want to make developing in the metaverse as easy as possible:

4. How MGH will contribute a new scene editor to Decentraland

In Decentraland you can design games, buildings, beaches … with the help of two tools: the Builder and the Decentraland SDK.

  • The Builder is a wonderful tool that lets anyone drag-and-drop objects to create their own world. Do you want a fantasy forest where the player gets lost? No problem: you pick a few trees and put them on the land. However, the Builder doesn’t allow complex games. Furthermore, you depend on what the game mechanics of your trees allow. Therefore…
  • … you can code your world via the Decentraland SDK. Do you want your trees to loop when the player touches them? Perpetuate it in the code with the SDK. However, there are limits here as well…

you have to code everything. You have to constantly check, test, and control the position, size, and rotation. You only see the code, not the scene.

MGH’s coming DCL-Edit is designed to change that:

As with any other state-of-the-art game engine, you can place and change objects easily. In addition, “Changes to a scene have immediate effect and can be tested right away on your local server. Entities can be given identifiers that can instantly be referenced in your code.” (Quote from”)

It combines the smoothness of the Builder with the complex options of the SDK. You can instantly switch between code and the graphical interface.

This saves you hours of tedious corrections — time in which you could be designing fantastic scenes!

When you will be able to use the DCL-Edit?

As soon as Q1 2022! So, watch out when we release this powerful tool.

Conclusion: The Decentraland Roadmap 2022

We’re early as hell!

Decentraland is only two years old — it’s no surprise that it doesn’t run as smoothly as Fortnite or Roblox.

The developers of Decentraland know this. It just takes time to change things in a decentralized, open world.

Still, Decentraland is working hard to make your in-game experience as fluid as possible. That’s why a desktop client, a VR client, and a mobile app are coming in 2022.

MGH is not idle either and helps designers to program complex scenes and games easily with the DCL-Edit.

Which updates in the Decentraland Roadmap 2022 are you most looking forward to? Let us know in the comments!

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About MGH

At MGH we bring together DeFi, Data, and the Metaverse by following one core principle: “Navigating through the Open Metaverse together”. We accomplish this in four clearly defined steps:

  • DAO Governed LANDs: MGH DAO collaboratively acquires, populates, and monetizes LANDs and respective in-game assets.
  • Valuation Algorithm: Our Valuation Algorithm allows fair pricing for LANDs and will be gradually adopted to more Metaverse Assets.
  • Dataverse Tools: MGH DAO is developing intuitive data tools which can be leveraged by users and ecosystems alike.
  • Intuitive Metaverse d’Apps: Use MGH DAO’s tools to navigate through the Metaverse and leverage MetaFi.




MetaGameHub DAO combines Utility, Governance & Data in one holistic Ecosystem to allow transparent NFT Valuation and Curation within the Metaverse