MGH and Amazing Blocks form a partnership to explore the frontiers of DeFi and the metaverse

7 min readOct 25, 2021


The new world. How do you connect it to the old? How do you sell your house in the next Ethereum block? Display your machines on the blockchain? Or start a company with ETH as seed capital — and not with dull dollars?

Amazing Blocks has answered these questions for you. Who is Amazing Blocks? This innovative company from Lichtenstein is a one-stop solution to tokenize your assets (stocks, buildings, machines), manage them easily or onboard investors with one click…

…that’s why MetaGameHub DAO (MGH) is incredibly proud to announce a partnership with Amazing Blocks. But what for?

That’s what you’ll find out in this article — but before that, you’ll learn how to use Amazing Blocks to issue shares and manage your shareholders at the click of a button, and how MGH turns your NFTs into passive income machines.

About Amazing Blocks — instantly tokenize your assets

It’s tough.

Endless meetings, desperate waiting at the airport, hassles with the bank, Mount Everests of files…all this awaits you when you found a legal entity, issue shares, or get new investors.

You dig deep into your pockets, deal with third parties, and go through — or rather, creep through — a process that your colleagues from the 1980s already crept through.

Nothing has changed — until today:

The Liechtenstein-based software-as-a-service company Amazing Blocks automates the entire process of setting up a legal entity in Liechtenstein, tokenizing your assets and allowing you to manage your shareholders through a user-friendly interface.

How does Amazing Blocks accomplish this?

  • Everything is automated: Through Amazing Blocks’ software, you can set up a legal entity in Lichtenstein. And most importantly, tokenize your assets at the click of a button: like stocks, machines, cars, real estate — so you could tokenize your main building, for example, and use it as collateral on Ethereum in a smart contract.
  • Manage everything digitally: no more paperwork, long trips or closets full of files… via Amazing Blocks Tokenpad (their software) you skip traditional processes that slow you down and digitize your stocks. But: Amazing Blocks is not providing custody or token generation services.
  • Work 100 % remotely: With the click of a mouse, you can monitor and distribute your shares, manage your shareholders, or add new investors. Within minutes, you can transfer shares from shareholder A to shareholder B, all via a clear share register.
  • Issue new shares instantly: As tokens, you can issue new shares at any time — all in secure compliance with regulations and legal requirements…

…and it is precisely this legal framework that makes it possible to transfer shares, cars and machines as tokens to the blockchain in the first place.

Because Lichtenstein is the first country to allow tokenization and make it uncomplicated via the “Liechtenstein Token Act”.

Only through this Amazing Blocks is allowed to tokenize your assets — and not just one type of token:

Equity tokens, debt tokens, participation rights as tokens, ownership tokens… or all mixed together. Amazing Blocks makes it possible for you to issue different tokens for each type of asset. And that without relying on third parties like banks or needing a bank account.

Amazing Blocks are living it themselves: they didn’t set up in 2020 with dollars, Swiss francs or euros — no — but with 55,000 CHF (the required amount) in ETH.

They were also the first to tokenize their shares — 600 of them, which you can track transparently here on Ethereum. Amazing Blocks are pioneers in mixing law and technology.

That’s why MGH is incredibly proud to work with a company that drives tech innovation, and most importantly, lives breathes and uses what it offers you.

About MGH — Transform your NFTs into a passive income making machine


What do you need NFTs for?

Don’t get me wrong — I love the punks, BAYC; and Loot is key to a lot of fantasy….

…but let’s be honest: if they’re not gracing your Twitter profile picture right now, you’re only hoping for one thing: to sell them again for more.

Until then, they’re sitting in your wallet. Unused.

MGH wants to change that by letting you earn a decent passive income with them.

And how?

Via NPTs — NFT Pool Tokens.

Like gold, oil or dollars on Synthetix, they’re a synthetic asset that tracks an entire NFT pool.

How does it work?

Let’s say there are 500 NFTs in the NFT pool — CryptoPunks, Bored Apes, Pudgy Penguins — and now your NPTs track the price of the TOTAL pool.

If it rises, your NPT rises; if it falls, your NPT falls too.

(Small side note: the first NFT pool will include virtual land as from The Sandbox; after that, more pools will follow on other NFTs).

So, what are the advantages of these NPTs?

  • You put your NPTs into the NPT/MGH pool and get an LP token — you stake this for passively earned network rewards.
  • You’re automatically diversified across many NFTs and no longer have a lump sitting in your wallet dragging down your portfolio — like feet set in concrete — when its price crashes.
  • You can trade NPTs back and forth all the time and swap them for other cryptocurrencies — you’re no longer tied (in the worst case: forever) to an illiquid NFT.
  • You get a “fair” price for your NFT and no longer have to rely on hype, FOMO, and memes to determine its value. But how do you get a “fair” value? You’re about to find out:

Because I’m going to walk you through the simple process of earning passive income with your NFT in a nutshell.

  1. You stake 1000 MGH tokens to put your NFT into the NFT pool. Don’t worry, your tokens are not wasted, they pay you nice network rewards.
  2. Now you hand over your NFT to MGH’S AI price oracle. It scours exchanges and databases (in future social media as well) and finally gives you a price suggestion: this is roughly how much your NFT is worth. Let’s say $10,000. Do you take it? Great, then on to the next level:
  3. Now you can finally stake your NFT, but not all of it — no, no — but a maximum of 25 percent. This is how we prevent exploits and mistakes — Synths are also collateralized by 600 percent, after all.
  4. Congratulations! Now you can hold, trade, farm, and earn a passive income from your NPTs — all because you staked your NFT. And one more thing: you don’t lose ownership of your NFT at all; it’s still yours.

Of course, MGH doesn’t leave you alone if you don’t have an NFT:

You can just as easily buy NPTs and infuse your portfolio with an energy drink if they increase in value over the long term…

…and that’s without headaches, hair-raising analysis, meme wars, hours of Twitter scrolling; no, it’s NFT investing in a rocking chair.

But how can Amazing Blocks and MGH work together with their blockchain-changing ideas?

What can you expect from our partnership?

Do you know the principle of serendipity?

It’s serendipity that drives your career, project, or team like a V8 engine.

An example:

In 1998, Peter Thiel gave a lecture at Stanford, and who was listening? Ukrainian immigrant Max Lechvrin — not a student, but an entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur, he wasn’t supposed to be there; yet he talked to Thiel, and they both founded what you know and might use today as PayPal.

And how does serendipity happen? Through lively exchanges, networking, and collaboration.

That’s exactly what Amazing Blocks and MGH are trying to do by tapping into their wide networks to advance each other. After all, Amazing Blocks is heavily networked in the traditional finance and legal sectors; and MGH is at the forefront of DeFi and NFTs.

Of course, our partnership isn’t just built on this because we hope for serendipity — we’re also tackling projects together like Metafi, the marriage of the Metaverse with DeFi.

Here, Amazing Block’s incredible expertise in tokenization and infrastructure will support us. We can’t reveal much yet, but get ready for a lot!

And lastly, it should be about you too; because together, MGH and Amazing Block will be driving blockchain education so that more and more people can speak fluently and flawlessly DeFi, NFT, and metaverse….

…languages that, until now, have only very few native speakers.

That’s why education is so important to us:

Because what’s the point of building the latest, most innovative tools, helping artists, small investors, and collectors, and opening up new income opportunities for them, if they stand in front of it with their mouths open and don’t understand?

How can you stay up to date and keep in touch with MGH?

About MGH

MGH is an Ethereum-based protocol allowing its users a.) to mint NPTs to gain exposure to the whole NFT space, b.) stake their NFTs to make a passive income, and c.) get a fair price for their NFT via the MGH price oracle.

With these three use cases, MGH makes the whole NFT space more transparent (fairer prices), accessible for investors with smaller pockets (via NPTs), and combines DeFi and NFTs via staking NFTs to make a passive income.





MetaGameHub DAO combines Utility, Governance & Data in one holistic Ecosystem to allow transparent NFT Valuation and Curation within the Metaverse

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