MGH Art Contest
It’s that time again! After the very successful meme contest, with which MGH ended the year 2021, we would like to welcome the new year with a similar competition — the MGH art contest!
Not every submission in the meme contest was actually a meme but for example elaborate spray art or handmade sets from paper mache. We would like to give these participants, and also all other participants who want to submit fan art, the opportunity to make their “MGH art” heard.
The contest will be similar to the meme contest, i.e. there will be an announcement on Twitter under which you submit your artwork as a comment, just like it was done in the previous Meme contest.
Announcement post:
It is moreover mandatory to post the art piece in the contests channel on Discord to qualify for the contest and to retweet the above linked announcement post.
Submission period (CET): 13.01.2022 14:00–20.01.2022 14:00
How will the winners be selected?
There will be three possible winners at the end of the MGH Art Contest, but this time they are not selected by the MGH DAO but by the amount of likes the submission receives. So, the submission with the most likes will be #1, the submission with the second most likes #2 and the submission with the 3rd most likes — who would have thought — occupies the 3rd place.
The winners will be chosen at the end of the submission period. The winners will be announced and asked for their wallet address (no exchange address!) on the 21.01.2022 via their Twitter profile. So make sure to follow MGH on Twitter to not miss important announcements.
How are the winners rewarded?
The first place will win 500$ worth of MGH tokens, the second place 300$ worth of MGH tokens and the third place 200$ worth of MGH tokens. The tokens will be distributed on the Polygon network as Matic MGH ($mMGH), so make sure to add the Polygon network to your wallet. A useful guide on how to do so you will find linked here.
The amount of MGH the winners will receive is determined by multiplying the average MGH price on Quickswap during the submission period with the respective USD amount of MGH the respective participant is winning. The rewards will be transferred to the respective wallet address of the winner on the 24.01.2022.
Happy participating!
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● If you want more information about MGH, visit our Website.
● For a sharpshooter-like view over the whole project, read our Whitepaper.
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● Discuss, write, and celebrate with us on Telegram.
● Talk, laugh, and have a good time on Discord.